Sunday, November 14, 2010

SQL Query optimization - Part-3

Now for some trivial stuff:
  1. Make sure that every column you query on has an (appropriate) INDEX. Creating a full-text index on something that you will do exact matching won't help. Neither will creating a HASH index on a column on which you intend doing < and > comparisons
  2. Avoid complex mathematical expressions in your WHERE clauses if you want indexes to be used. Databases are pretty dumb that way and practice and theory is still some way off in this area (which is why I want to bridge this gap!!). Don't do stuff like: WHERE 2*col1+3 < col2. This will probably NOT be optimized by the execution engine. Of course, if there is no other way out, then you must do it. I suggest you create another column (col3) which always gets the value: 2*col1+3, and query using col3 whenever you need this expression
  3. (This is an ugly condition and probably won't be optimized). Suppose you have 2 columns (col1 & col2) on the same table and want to select all rows WHERE col1 < col2. This will most likely result in a full table scan even if all columns have an index on them. Try to create a new column to flag this condition and select on that column if you need speed. Update: I can definitely see a way in which databases could use an index on (col1, col2) or (col2, col1) (if one exists), but you'll have to check with your particular database if that is the case (by doing an EXPLAIN or its equivalent).

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