Dr. Bender once mentioned in class that memories are created when one experiences joy strong emotions, and in the context of algorithms, when one discovers a solution to some problem.
About a month down, I've noticed that experiences are what I'm going to die with. I vividly remember this episode in school when we were in the middle of the gymnastics competition and were one short of someone on the roman rings. I decided to give it a shot (even though I had never tried it before) and 2 minutes later I found myself stuck "up there". I don't remember all the things that I did right or who eventually won, but I surely do remember getting stuck!
If you are from my school and remember this episode, please leave a comment. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!
I want to be in the business of creating memories.
About a month down, I've noticed that experiences are what I'm going to die with. I vividly remember this episode in school when we were in the middle of the gymnastics competition and were one short of someone on the roman rings. I decided to give it a shot (even though I had never tried it before) and 2 minutes later I found myself stuck "up there". I don't remember all the things that I did right or who eventually won, but I surely do remember getting stuck!
If you are from my school and remember this episode, please leave a comment. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!
I want to be in the business of creating memories.
Edit: Fixed the incorrect quote in the first line.