Tuesday, November 15, 2005

To RAID or not to RAID....

Comments required.....
Thanx in advance!


Pascal said...

Do normal users need raid? all the data we store is not that important. You can always manually back-up important data.

Dhruv Matani said...

Are we Normal users???? Don't you think your data is important? Imagine making some changes to the tddb code, and then having your HDD crash. Assuming that you had taken at least a few hours to write that, wouldn't all that time and effort be a total waste? I'm thinking about it because I have gone through such a situation. Also, hom much data, and how often can you back up? That apart, it is time consiming, and you may occasionally forget to do so too...

Anonymous said...

What about doing something for the heck of it? What about being adventurous? What about trying something new? What better way to spend time, when u have exams coming up?